What do you find here?
- Accessing the Bitbucket API v2.0.
- Get the list of the repo with UUID.
- Get the history of the commit with the committed author within the limit.
- Sort and get the top committer.
- List the number of commits per repository and total percentage share of commits for each author in JSON format.
- Version – 1.0
How do I get set up?
- Clone the repo
- install python 3.5 and above
- Dependencies package – requests, JSON, operator
How to run the python script
$ git clone https://github.com/ahamedyaserarafath/bitbucket_top_commiter.git $ chmod +x bitBucketTopCommit.py $ ./bitBucketTopCommit.py <team_name>
- team_name -> team name of bit bucket
- top -> display names of at most TOP committers taking into account all git repositories of the team
- limit -> at most LIMIT latest commits per repository.
$ ./bitBucketTopCommit.py devops_team_x 3 1
- output:
{ "devops_team_x": { "Ahamed Yaser Arafath <ahamedyaserarafath@gmail.com>": { "git_repos": { "testing1": "1", "testing2_repo": "1" }, "total_commit_share_percentage": 100.0 } } }
GitHub Link, Please feel free to fork and use it